Here are the pictures (unorganized). Most of the new pics are under "Ian's Camera."

There are often pictures of Vivian also in her Dad's picture pages, which can be found here.

Here are the streaming video links (Windows Media Player 9 or later required):
Date Posted Title Duration Link to Stream Link to Download
May 25th, 2004 Vivian (In utero) 15 minutes 12 seconds Devon Pregnant Devon Pregnant
June 6th, 2004 Vivian Comes From The Hospital 22 minutes 37 seconds Vivian Hospital Vivian Hospital
October 31st, 2005 Vivian Gets A Bath In The Tub 4 minutes 00 seconds Vivian Bathtub Vivian Bathtub
January 21st, 2005 Vivian Gets Funky On The Keyboard 4 minutes 16 seconds Vivian Keyboard Vivian Keyboard
April 30th, 2005 Vivian Takes Her First Steps 2 minutes 25 seconds Vivian Walking Vivian Walking
May 7th, 2005 Vivian Playing in the Living Room 11 minutes 41 seconds Vivian Playing Vivian Playing
May 8th, 2006 Vivian's First Haircut 7 minutes 42 seconds Vivian's First Haircut Vivian's First Haircut

More video clips to come, and the picture section is always updated. Check back often!

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Last updated: 08/03/06 IRQ - Added video of Vivian's 1st haircut.