<% ' This code is free and and is as is. ' If you use it, feel free to send a thank you e-mail to caryevans2000@yahoo.com ' If you do find it useful please click on a link to eBay from my site and bid on something :) ' This code assumes you are using .jpg images for both the thumbnails and fullsize pictures. If you are ' using .gif then you will have to change it everywhere in the code. ' Thumbnails share the same name as your original with a common ending. ' e.g. Faimily-01.jpg - would be the thumbnail ' Family.jpg - would be the large image ' Alignment values: bottomSide, topSide, leftSide, rightSide - ' These correspond to the CSS classes and adjust where the filmstrip appears. alignment = "bottomSide" 'change to one of above ' this is legacy crap from version 1.0 - ignore it thumbsPerPage = 9999 ' Number of thumbnails to display on the page thumbsPerRow = 4 ' Number of thumbnails to display per row - surprised thumbIdentifier = "-01.jpg" ' The common string ending for all thumbnail images. ' You should not need to change any ASP code below here. Go to line and beyond to change HTML pgURL = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") 'the name of this page eg. album.asp pgName = Right(pgURL, len(tt) - InStrRev(tt, "/")) ' The current page's name so you can rename the file page = request.queryString("page") 'This is the page you are on, used for paging if page = "" then page = 1 'If no page # exists, set to 1 img = Request.querystring("img") 'Large image to display if they clicked a thumbnail pgmode = Request.querystring("pgmode") ' Determine which image to start / end at based upon paging and thumbsPerPage first = ((page-1) * thumbsPerPage) last = (page * thumbsPerPage)-1 'We do minus 1 here since we are using an array... array starts at 0 vs 1 ' get the current folder location strPathInfo = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") strPhysicalPath = Server.MapPath(strPathInfo) set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(strPhysicalPath) set objFolder = objFile.ParentFolder set objFolderContents = objFolder.Files ' Count total number of thumbnails totalImages = 0 For each objFileItem In objFolderContents if inStr(LCase(objFileItem.Name),thumbIdentifier) then totalImages = totalImages + 1 end if next 'Limit last to totalImages so array does not go out of range. if last > totalImages then last = totalImages 'Array starts at 0 vs. 1 so we need to offset this by 1 exception last image can't be > than total # of iamges lastDisplay = last + 1 if lastDisplay > totalImages then lastDisplay = totalImages ' Create an array to put all the images in so that we can do paging dim arrayOfThumbs() ReDim arrayOfThumbs(totalImages) imageList ="" i = 0 k = 0 ' Populate the array with the images For each objFileItem In objFolderContents ' only display the thumbnails - the images that have the ending defined in the thumbIdentifier variable at top of page if inStr(LCase(objFileItem.Name),thumbIdentifier) then 'Isolate the image name so that we can create a link to the large version. This strips off the ending e.g. -01.jpg image = split(objFileItem.Name, thumbIdentifier) ' Populate array arrayOfThumbs(i)= " " & vbCrLf imageList = imageList & chr(34) &image(0) & ".jpg" & chr(34) & "," if (i = 0) then defaultImage = image(0) & ".jpg" i = i + 1 k = k+1 end if next ' This is where the thumbnail images get written response.write("

") if pgmode = "thumbs" then 'If there is no image on URL, show the thumbnail page for j = first to last response.write(arrayOfThumbs(j)) next response.write("") response.write("

") response.write("") %> <% else %>

Pictures from IRQuick.net

(Click The Image To See The Full-Sized Version For Printing, Etc.)
<% end if %>